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A man received the Moderna vaccine and experienced common side effects such as arm pain, fatigue, and low-grade fever. Later that night, he collapsed and went into cardiac arrest, ultimately passing away. The ER physician noted that the symptoms were consistent with a heart attack and injecting the vaccine in his left arm may have masked the signs. It is unclear if the vaccine was the direct cause of the heart attack.

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0 52

The government and supermarkets have failed to conduct a risk assessment for the harms caused by mask wearing, which means individuals are not providing informed consent to wear a medical device. The Face Coverings Regulations may be unlawful and should not be enforced. It is important for individuals to be medically assessed for their individual risk posed by wearing a mask, and failure to conduct a health and safety risk assessment is a legal issue.

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0 40

The article discusses the problems with the current Covid-19 testing program, including the high number of false positives. The author argues that governments are using the testing program to increase fear and promote their own agendas. The article also mentions the dangers of lockdowns, social distancing rules, and experimental vaccinations.

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0 43

Bill Gates has become the largest private farmland owner in America, buying 242,000 acres of farmland. This has raised questions about his agenda, especially in light of Agenda 21 and the Great Reset. The author suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic is being used as a tool to clear human beings off huge tracts of land globally and herd them into 'Human Settlement Zones' and 'SMART Cities'. The article raises concerns about the psychopathic death cult cabal controlling almost all world governments and mainstream media outlets today.

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